The Old Soul Antique Store 
Final-Year University Project (Independently Led)
Despite the numerous films made for children, most lack a crucial element: a child protagonist. Additionally, children’s entertainment is overwhelmingly dominated by overstimulating CGI animation, which limits the visual languages children are exposed to. 
This project aims to highlight the importance of child representation in film and diversify the visual content available to young audiences. “The Old Soul Antique Store” tells the story of Lily, a young girl who visits an antique store with her mother. As Lily explores the store, she begins to find it increasingly eerie. 
The trailer offers a glimpse of the unfolding story, and the artwork positions the film within the niche genre of children’s horror. The images below the trailer illustrate how the artwork could be adapted for various promotional touchpoints.
Software used:
Stop Motion Studio Pro 

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator 
Adobe Photoshop
Fusion 360
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